The NHS National Patient Survey Programme is part of the Government’s commitment to ensuring patient feedback informs the continued development and improvement of services.

 All NHS Trusts in England are legally obliged to participate and carry out surveys of patients’ views on their healthcare experience.

A postal survey may be sent every year to those who had a ward stay, attended A&E, or accessed specialist care provided by our cancer, maternity or paediatric services.

You can read our survey results on the Care Quality Commission website.

National Audit of Care at the End of Life

The National Audit of Care at the End of Life (NACEL) is a comparative audit of the quality and outcomes of care experienced by dying adults and those important to them during the last admission leading to death in inpatient facilities across England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

The quality survey is an online questionnaire completed by the bereaved families and others. It aims to gather the bereaved person’s thoughts about the care provided to them and the dying person during their final admission to hospital.

Responses to this survey are highly valued and will help to ensure the best possible care can be delivered to people at the end of life and those close to them.

National Cancer Patient Experience survey

This survey is part of the NHS Cancer Programme and overseen by the Cancer Patient Experience Survey Advisory Group. It sets the principles and objectives of the survey programme and guide questionnaire development.

The survey is commissioned and managed by NHS England and the implementation, analysis and reporting is completed by Picker.

If you do not wish to take part, or have any questions about the survey,  please contact the Macmillan Information and Support Service on 01253 955710.