We are committed to promoting an open and transparent culture across the organisation to ensure that all members of staff feel safe and confident to speak out.

Speaking up is about anything that gets in the way of providing good care, which is safe and respectful.

When things go wrong, it is important to learn lessons and make improvements. If you think something might go wrong, you must feel able to speak up to prevent potential harm.

Even when things are good but could be better, you should feel able to say something. We will listen to your suggestion and use it as an opportunity for improvement.

Our Board and senior leadership team supports speaking up by:

  • Modelling the behaviours to promote a positive culture in the organisation
  • Providing the resources required to deliver an effective Freedom to Speak Up function
  • Having oversight to ensure the policy and procedures are being effectively implemented

Our FTSU Guardian and volunteer champions have a key role in:

  • Helping to raise the profile of raising concerns in our organisation
  • Providing confidential advice and support to staff in relation to concerns they have about patient safety
  • Providing confidential advice and support to staff in relation the way their concern has been handled

The Trust is fully engaged with the National Guardian’s Office and the local network of Freedom to Speak Up Guardians in our region to learn and share best practice.