This page shows the visiting hours to wards at Blackpool Victoria Hospital and Clifton Hospital.

If you have a family carer, you may be able to visit this ward flexibly during your stay. Please speak to the ward staff.

During protected mealtimes, visitors are not permitted, unless specifically helping with eating.

  • Visitors should not sit on beds, use the patients bathrooms or bring in any flowers. Each of these helps us manage infection risks
  • All children must be supervised by an adult visitor and should not crawl on the ward floor
  • Any potential hazard such as spills or liquid on the floor, trailing cables or obstacles around the bed should be reported to staff
  • Any bed tables or chairs should be returned to their original position before leaving
  • Visitors should clean their hands before and after visiting 
Ward Speciality Visiting times Contact
AMU Acute Medical Unit 1pm-5pm, 6pm-8pm 01253 953386
CCU Cardiac 2.30pm-3.30pm, 7pm-8pm 01253 957863
CITU Cardiac 2.30pm-7pm (avoid mealtimes 5pm-6pm). Two visitors per bed 01253 957770 01253 957771
HDU High dependency 2pm-3pm, 6pm-7pm. Two visitors per bed 01253 953401 01253 955564
ITU Intensive Care 1.30pm–7.30pm 01253 953440
Lancashire Suite Cardiac 2.30pm-4.30pm, 7pm-8pm 01253 957861 or 01253 957862
Children's Ward Children and adolescent Parents/carers: all day. Visitors: 10am-7pm (mealtimes 12pm-1pm, 4.30pm-5.30pm)
MECU Open visitiing after 11am
Adolescent Ward Open visiting for parents/carers 10am-7pm (mealtime 12pm-1pm, 4.30pm-5.30pm). Mat vary if ward used for adults
Ward 1 Clifton Care of the Elderly 2-4pm, 7-8pm. All wards are supporting of the John’s Campaign and flexibility will be given to relatives travelling out of area. 01253 956221
Ward 2 Clifton Care of the Elderly 2-4pm, 7-8pm. All wards are supporting of the John’s Campaign and flexibility will be given to relatives travelling out of area. 01253 955408
Ward 2B Clifton Care of the Elderly 2-4pm, 7-8pm. All wards are supporting of the John’s Campaign and flexibility will be given to relatives travelling out of area. 01253 952629 01253 952627
Ward 3 Clifton Care of the Elderly 2-4pm, 7-8pm. All wards are supporting of the John’s Campaign and flexibility will be given to relatives travelling out of area. 01253 955410
Ward 4 Clifton Care of the Elderly 2-4pm, 7-8pm. All wards are supporting of the John’s Campaign and flexibility will be given to relatives travelling out of area. 01253 956216
Ward 2 Medical 3pm-5pm, 7pm-8pm 01253 953402
Ward 3 General Medical 2pm-3pm, 3.30pm-4.30pm, 7pm-8pm 01253 957817
Ward 5 Respiratory 2pm-4pm, 7pm-8pm 01253 957277
Ward 6 General Medical 3pm-5pm, 6.30pm-8pm 01253 953406
Ward 7 Respiratory 3pm-5pm, 6.30pm-8pm 01253 957389
Ward 8 Isolation Ward 11am-12pm, 2pm-5pm, 6pm-8pm 01253 953408