Welcome to the Cardiac Catheter Laboratories.

We are located on the ground floor of the Lancashire Cardiac Centre next to the Cardiac Day Case Unit (CDCU).

We have four state-of-the-art cardiac catheter laboratories where we perform a variety of investigations and treatments including: angiograms, angioplasties (stents), internal cardioversions, pacemakers, biventricular pacemakers, ICDs and electrophysiology studies.

While the majority of our patients are day case patients from CDCU we also provide a complete service to the rest of the hospital and the Fylde coast area.

We generally open 9am to 5pm for day case procedures and inpatients but we also run an emergency service for all patients within the Lancashire and South Cumbria area 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.

Our Cardiac Catheter Laboratory team consists of a team of highly specialised healthcare professionals. These include:

  • 7 cardiology consultants
  • Specialised cardiology registrars
  • Cardiac catheter laboratory manager
  • 2 cardiac catheter laboratory sisters
  • 8 staff nurses
  • 7 cardiac radiographers
  • 13 cardiac physiologists (also working in Cardiac Investigations)

We hope your stay with us is a pleasant one and if you have any questions while you’re with us please ask us -we’re here to make your journey as comfortable as we can.