Introduction Sessions

Everyone who is referred and accepted into the Specialist Weight Management Service will be asked to watch an introduction webinar. The purpose of this session is to provide patients with an overview of the service and what we offer for those patients looking for help with weight management. We also explain the commitment expected by patients choosing to join the service.

An email link will be sent to and the session is about 20 minutes long.  The session can be watched multiple times.

For those without internet access a paper copy of the slides will be provided

Following the session you will be asked if you wish to ‘opt in’ to join the service or ‘opt out’ and have your case closed. It is important you follow the instructions and contact us with your decision. If we do not hear from you within the given time frame we will assume you don’t want to take up an offer of a place with the service and close your referral.

For information about what happens once you have opted in please visit the initial appointment tab.