Once a child has started school, the Health Visiting Service transfers care to the School Nursing Team.

School Nursing works within a four-level service offer to ensure continuity for school aged children.

Most children, young people and families will experience challenges in their lives that impact their wellbeing. Most families will be able to weather these challenges (are resilient to them) either with help from services, or advice, guidance and support from universal services, including empathy and understanding.

Some children, young people and families will need support from people who known them well and have established relationships with them to meet the same some challenges when advice and guidance has not been enough to help the family achieve change or where a child or young person needs additional support to help them thrive.

A small number of children, young people and families will experience significant difficulties and and will need coordinated support from experts working with them to find sustainable solutions that reduce the impact of challenge on the wellbeing and development of children and young people.

In exceptional cases families need specialist, statutory support that is designed to maintain or repair relationships and keep families together safety wherever possible. In some very specific circumstances, the needs are so great that children need to be away from their family to ensure that they are protected from harm and in these circumstances the local authority becomes their 'corporate parent'.