More than half of children and young people regularly worry about how they look.

It's easy to make constant comparisons with others and avoid looking in a mirror and worries like these can stem other insecurities.

School Nurses can work with young people and schools to help promote body confidence. School Nurse drop ins are a safe and confidential way for young people to discuss any body confidence issues. We know that when young people learn about body confidence in school, they feel more positive about themselves.

Body confidence is when someone accepts, appreciates, thinks and behaves positively in relation to their body and appearance. Body confidence has a direct impact on a young persons academic performance and general wellbeing. Young people with body confidence worries are less likely to be physically healthy and are more vulnerable to mental health problems.

In the past, body confidence has usually been seen as a greater issue for girls than for boys, but it is increasingly becoming an issue for boys too who feel the need to have a ‘perfect’ look as promoted by advertisements, TV and social media.

To improve your body confidence you can:

  • Try to think of yourself positively. Surround yourself with friends who have a positive body image
  • Focus on all the good things your body can do rather than focusing only on what you look like
  • Fuel your body with good and healthy foods which not only take care of the inside of your body but also make you feel good too

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