The department is made up of the following areas:

All patients are registered in the department upon their arrival in the smart purpose-built reception area at the entrance to the building. The new waiting room, opened in 2021, has increased the capacity almost five-fold, leading to a much better experience for patients and visitors.


A triage nurse assesses patients on arrival to the Emergency Department. There are two entrances to the department of which one is for patients who self-present and one is for patients brought in by ambulance.

The Emergency Room has four fully equipped bays to provide emergency care for patients requiring resuscitation or urgent intervention. It also has X-ray facilities and a designated paediatric resuscitation bay.

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These areas have 20 cubicles for the management of patients whose condition requires them to be examined and treated on a stretcher or a comfortable chair.

The department has a dedicated children's area to segregate children from adults and allow for them to be cared for in appropriate surroundings. It has a play area that provides a facility to observe children as well as keeping them amused and reducing their anxiety.

The Same Day Emergency Care service accepts appropriate referrals to the new location via A&E, GPs, NWAS, Urgent Treatment Centres or from the community.

The new unit operates from 8am to midnight with the last referral being taken up to 9pm. On arrival at the new location, patients will be registered, triaged and have a preliminary assessment by a senior decision maker.

Any treatment, procedures or diagnostics required will be carried out and patients discharged or booked in for a follow up appointment.  The main aim of the new clinical model is to rapidly assess and treat patients in the same day and avoid unnecessary admission and long waits in A&E.

SDEC forms part of the Emergency Village and Critical Care Development.


The Emergency Department has CCTV and all members of staff are equipped with a bleep, which can be activated if he or she feels under threat. The Trust has adopted a zero tolerance policy and takes action against any person who is found to be threatening or violent towards members of staff.