Who are we?

A Specialist School Nurse Practitioner is a Registered Nurse who specialises in child and adolescent health, working with the school and wider community.
The School Nursing Service consists of Specialist School Nursing Practitioners who are supported by Staff Nurses, School Nursing Assistants and Administrators.

School Nurses promote the health and wellbeing of all Blackpool children, young people and their families. They work with Health, Education, Social Services and Voluntary agencies.
The team provide support for children and young people with identified health and wellbeing needs. Confidential support is offered within a school or community setting. This allows you or your child the opportunity to discuss any concerns or worries you or they may have regarding their health or wellbeing.

For example:
• Managing medical conditions in school.
• Healthy lifestyles, healthy eating, and exercise.
• Behaviour and relationships.
• Growth and development.
• Bedwetting and toilet problems.
• Emotional health.
We are here to discuss any health-related matters and can provide contact details for other relevant services as appropriate.

The School Nursing Team deliver a range of Health Promotional Programmes to pupils within education settings in a variety of different ways. Health messages are delivered in an interesting and fun way that is age appropriate.

All children that enter reception or transfer into a Blackpool school will be sent a questionnaire to be completed by the parent or carer.
This will enable the School Nursing team to address your child’s needs. The School Nurse may contact you to discuss any concerns highlighted.

The Department of Health recommends every school’s participation in the National Child Measurement Programme. This involves recording the height and weight of all children in Reception and Year 6 if you agree to participate.
You will receive further information regarding this at the relevant time.

During the time your child is in school, they will be offered routine vaccinations following the Department of Health schedule.
These vaccinations will take place in school and will be delivered by the school vaccination team. You will receive information about the vaccinations when your child is in the relevant school year.
If you have any queries, you can contact the team on 01253 951984.

Chat Health is a confidential text messaging service that enables children and young people (aged 11-16) to contact their local public health nursing (school nursing) team for confidential advice and support. A young person can get in touch for advice about any aspect of their physical or emotional health.
Young people can text their nurse on 07312 263120.
Further information can be found by visiting www.chathealth.nhs.uk or contacting a School Nurse (contact details overleaf).

The School Nursing Team have a duty to keep information confidential. They are often the first point of contact for young people and families.
Nurses are guided by the Nursing and Midwifery Council Code of Conduct and are under no obligation to inform Teachers, Parents or Carers of issues arising from consultations. They will always encourage the young person to inform Parents or Carers. However, if there is a risk of significant harm, like all other professionals, School Nurses are obliged to follow Safeguarding procedures.

Moor Park Health and Leisure Centre
Bristol Avenue
Telephone: 01253 951740
Email: BFWH.blackpoolschoolnurses@nhs.net
Further information can be found on the School Nurses website: School Nurses :: Blackpool Teaching Hospitals.

The NHS Friends and Family Test (FFT) was created to help organisations understand whether people are happy with the service provided, or where improvements are needed.
It’s a quick and anonymous way to give your views after receiving NHS support, care, or treatment.
Please scan the QR code or use the web link to access a short survey and tell us about your experience of our service. Your views are valued, and we use them to help shape our service.


Web link: https://bit.ly/3F7Ipyr.