Below is information for professionals about our service, as well as useful links.

Referrals should be made using the School-Age ND Pathway referral form. Referrals must be made with the knowledge and consent of the person(s) with parental responsibility for the child or young person. The service does not accept self-referrals.

The child or young person being referred must have a GP in Blackpool Fylde or Wyre, and evidence of targeted interventions already in place must be detailed in the referral.

All referrals go to the Neurodevelopmental Pathway clinical lead and will be triaged with one of the pathway consultants. If accepted the pathway coordinator will contact the families to discuss the process and to start gathering further information about the child or young person prior to their assessment with one of the pathway consultants.

A referral can be made by an involved professional, or via a school Teacher/SENDCO.

If you do not have a referral form already please get in touch with the team as they will then be able to send a copy of the referral form.

Neurodevelopment Team

The Neurodevelopmental Pathway Team comprises many professionals all performing different aspects of assessments in order to gain a clearer picture of each case.

Useful Links

Referral Information

Referrals should be made using the School-Age ND Pathway referral form. Referrals must be made with the knowledge and consent of the person(s) with parental responsibility for the child or young person.

The service does not accept self-referrals. The child or young person being referred must have a GP in Blackpool Fylde or Wyre, and evidence of targeted interventions already in place must be detailed in the referral.

All referrals go to the Neurodevelopmental Pathway clinical lead and will be triaged with one of the pathway consultants. If accepted the pathway coordinator will contact the families to discuss the process and to start gathering further information about the child or young person prior to their assessment with one of the 6 pathway consultants.

A referral can be made by an involved professional, or via a school Teacher/SENDCO.

If you do not have a referral form already please get in touch with the team as they will then be able to send a copy of the referral form.