Results of Breast Investigations

You may undergo investigations in the breast clinic today and be given provisional results of your mammogram and/or ultrasound scan. Your mammogram and/or ultrasound scan will be reviewed by 2 radiology consultants /radiographers so will be unable to give the final result today. The results of any biopsies or fine needle tests can take up to two weeks to be processed.

In the event of a biopsy

We will ask you to stay with us in the Breast Unit for 15 minutes after the procedure so we can make sure that there is no further bleeding from the biopsy site. You should keep the dressing on for a minimum of 24 hours. Following the procedure you may resume normal activities as soon as you feel able to, although you should avoid strenuous physical activities in the first 24 hours.

You may develop significant bruising around the biopsy site and/or feel a lump there over the next day or so, this is normal and will resolve on its own. Patients can experience different amounts of discomfort after the procedure; you can take Paracetamol for this or any regular over the counter pain relief. If you start bleeding after leaving the Unit apply pressure to the area for 10 minutes until the bleeding stops. In the very unlikely event that the bleeding is severe then you should go to your local Emergency Department (A&E).

Please do not take Aspirin as this may increase bruising (unless you are already taking Aspirin as part of your prescribed medication, and then please continue with your usual daily dose as prescribed)

You will not receive an appointment to return to clinic before you leave today. However, you will receive either a letter or a clinic appointment once your results have been processed.

Sometimes we are able to offer appointments at short notice; in this instance you may receive a call from the secretary with an appointment. You may bring a family member/friend with you.


Waiting for test results can be a worrying and stressful time. The breast care team will make every effort to try and process tests quickly so you will have your results as soon as possible. If you have not heard from the department within 3 weeks please do not hesitate to contact the relevant secretary to your breast Consultant.